The case for Affordable Housing in Kenya
Placemakers as a business is dedicated to developing affordable housing for low income households which meet the Kenyan Governments eligibility criteria.
The Key drivers for our business case include:
Rapid Urbanization
African population is rapidly urbanizing, attracted by developments in mining, agriculture, industry, tourism and major infrastructure.
Local Imperative for Housing
Industries require their workforce to be adequately and affordably housed, close to work, basic infrastructure services, public transport, education, healthcare and commercial amenities.
Alternative to Slums
Urban centers are struggling to cope with increasing demand for housing. 59% of urban populations now live-in unplanned settlements in poorly constructed or served housing, managed by unregulated landlords.
Investable Assets
Housing supply is unable to match demand. Local Governments managing growing urban centres lack the appropraite finance, management, plannin, and design capacity and most importantly vehicles for private investment and delivery.
Housing is an Enabler
African With suitable social and spiritual supports, new neighbourhoods are incubators for new urban community formation and flourishin. For individual homeowners, housing generates wealth which can be used as collateral, as a hedge against financial shocks and as an inheritance for their children.
Catalyzing local economic development
Housing stimulates local economic growth by increasing demand for labor, construction material and services, financing and asset management.
Placemakers (Kenya) Ltd, No. 15 Kiambere Road, Off Upperhil RoadP.0 Box. 51693-00200, Nairobi